
Surprise! Baby B Coming Summer 2020

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Well, my time as only being a stay-at-home wife is coming to an end. By next Summer, I will also be a full-time stay-at-home mom.

After over two years of marriage, it was time for us to turn the page and start the next chapter of our lives together, and what better start to a new chapter then having a baby.

I’ve been cherishing this precious time, relaxing and nourishing myself, preparing mentally, emotionally and physically, which explains my hiatus from writing and posting regularly. I’ll be honest, I thought it would take awhile for us, so I did not expect to go quiet out of the blue. Obviously, God had other plans and gifted us with this sweet little blessing instantly.

I still plan on writing about married life and homemaking, with a sprinkle of motherhood here and there. And oh, how different things will be from a mother’s perspective! Will my homemaking and work routines be the same? What will my self-care look like with a baby? What about our finances? How will my relationship with my husband change? All topics I am eager to write about in the future.

Thank you for taking the time to read our announcement, and I hope you look forward to the influx of baby posts in the future.


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